

We're Under Construction - do I need a hardhat for this?

As I sit here today I'm reminded of where I was a year ago - fumbling through what felt like a very dark and dreary journey of learning CSS via YouTube (surprisingly efficient) and piecing together what is now my SmugMug site (surprisingly more difficult than I ever expected). I'm proud of having coded and customized it myself but it's time to move on to bigger and better... blogs.

I'll be the first to admit that managing a website and a blog is tough and I've sometimes neglected the blog so I'm ready to pull up my sleeves and streamline it all with a new, vibrant web presence. Does this mean more coding? Pass the asprin. But I can do it, I've done it before and this time I have professional help (of the graphic designer variety - no straight jackets.... yet).

I'm thankful to be in a position to hire someone who knows exponentially more than I do and with her help, we broke ground yesterday on my new website which promises to be an awesome blog combined with a sharp storefront. I am so excited to be working with Barham Virtual Assistance. Melissa is a blast to work with and darn good at what she does. Can't wait to reveal the finished product. Stay tuned, my friends!

In the mean time, you can still visit and book sessions through my old site by clicking here.

See you on the flip side with a shiny new site!

Cheers galore,

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